Jane Lewis
Advisory Committee
Jane facilitates ARC AntiRacism - programs, events and games to help any organisation
become more cooperative. https://www.arcantiracism.com.au
With a range of amazing expert guests and co-facilitators, her gutsy yet compassionate AntiRacism approach grows from a background in entertainment and applied psychology, and ten years of collaboration with Professor Yin Paradies, a Wakaya man, now Chair in Race Relations and Indigenous Knowledges and Culture Coordinator at Deakin University.
Jane balances critical thinking with emotional awareness and mindfulness insights. After twenty years of consulting and facilitation, she spent seven years at the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission designing evidence-based reflexive anti-racism education for local, state and federal government projects in collaboration with Yin Paradies, and has devoted herself to the work ever since.
Jane is a proud Brolga member of the Rumbalara Football Netball Club and encourages others seeking a practical, proven way to support the self-determination and well-being of a young, growing Aboriginal population within Victoria, to join her.
With over twenty years' experience in program design and delivery, Jane also has special expertise in the use of visual thinking technology to minimise the impact of cognitive biases and the influence of vested interests.
Jane runs her own consultancy and is also a Associate of MyriaD International.
Specialties: whiteness awareness, reflexive anti-racism, practical secular ethics, visual thinking for group deliberation.